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Chapter Excerpt Mailing List Buy the | Barnes & NobleBooks-A-Million | IndieBound Shakespeare meets Dashiell Hammett in this wildly entertaining murder mystery from New York Times bestselling author Christopher Moore—an uproarious, hardboiled take on the Bard’s most performed play, A Midsummer Night’s Dream, featuring Pocket, the hero of Fool and The Serpent of Venice, along with his sidekick, Drool, and pet monkey, Jeff. Set adrift by his pirate crew, Pocket of Dog Snogging—last seen in The Serpent of Venice—washes up on the sun-bleached shores of Greece, where he hopes to dazzle the Duke with… Read Article →

Chapter 1 — Sammy and the Cheese She had the kind of legs that kept her butt from resting on her shoes — a size eight dame in a size six dress and every mug in the joint was rooting for the two sizes to make a break for it as they watched her wiggle in the door and take a seat at the end of the bar. I raised an eyebrow at the South African merchant marine who’d been spinning out tales of his weird cargo at the other end of the bar while… Read Article →

Chapter Excerpt Mailing List Buy the | Barnes & NobleIndieBound The absurdly outrageous, sarcastically satiric, and always entertaining New York Times bestselling author Christopher Moore returns in finest madcap form with this zany noir set on the mean streets of post-World War II San Francisco, and featuring a diverse cast of characters, including a hapless bartender; his Chinese sidekick; a doll with sharp angles and dangerous curves; a tight-lipped Air Force general; a wisecracking waif; Petey, a black mamba; and many more. San Francisco. Summer, 1947. A dame walks into a saloon . …. Read Article →

ACT I Fortunato’s Fate Hell and Night must bring this monstrous birth to light. —Iago, Othello, Act I, Scene 3 INVOCATION Rise, Muse! Darkwater sprite, Bring stirring play To vision’s light. Rise, Muse! On fin and tail With fang and claw Rend invention’s veil. Come, Muse! ‘Neath harbored ship, Under night fisher’s torch, And sleeping sailors slip. To Venice, Muse! Radiant venom convey, Charge scribe’s driven quill To story assay. Of betrayal, grief and war, Provoke, Muse, your howl Of love’s laughter lost and Heinous Fuckery, most foul… CHAPTER ONE The Trap They waited at… Read Article →

Chapter Excerpt Mailing List Buy the | Barnes & NobleIndieBound Venice, a long time ago. Three prominent Venetians await their most loathsome and foul dinner guest, the erstwhile envoy from the Queen of Britain: the rascal-Fool Pocket. This trio of cunning plotters—the merchant, Antonio; the senator, Montressor Brabantio; and the naval officer, Iago—have lured Pocket to a dark dungeon, promising an evening of sprits and debauchery with a rare Amontillado sherry and Brabantio’s beautiful daughter, Portia. But their invitation is, of course, bogus. The wine is drugged. The girl isn’t even in the city… Read Article →

Chris Moore was born in Toledo, Ohio and raised in Mansfield, Ohio. He’s worked multiple jobs throughout his life, including roofer, grocery store clerk, insurance salesman, photographer, disc jockey, journalist and a slew of others. His first novel, Practical Demon-keeping (1992), was a major success and the film rights were picked up by Disney Studios – although there still hasn’t been a film made from the book . . . yet. His books all draw you in thanks to their ticklish titles (i.e. The Lust Lizard of Melancholy Cove, Island of the Sequined Love Nun,… Read Article →

Christopher Moore is best known for comedic writing; his novels are hysterical and his characters are psychotically real. But Christopher Moore has done something that many writers attempt and fail; he mixes his humor with horror, and he does it so successfully, you can’t help but continue reading his work. The Stupidest Angel has received many great reviews, and it is this book that I wanted to speak with Christopher Moore about. He was kind enough to take time out of his busy schedule for an interview with us – and to give us some… Read Article →

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